Consultancy on waste water treatment helps the organisation to minimize the waste generation, make compliance to local legislation and to ensure zero discharge.
Alpha Business Management Co Ltd (ABM) Consultancy Expert Services offers a wide range of technical and consultancy solutions for wastewater treatment applications. A global network of technical experts helps clients achieve wastewater related efficiency, compliance and sustainable business success in highly regulated industries. To determine optimal solutions for wastewater treatment applications, Alpha Consultancy offers analysis of each specific situation. If data is missing or cannot be calculated, we measure key parameters or guide analytical work as necessary.
Alpha Business Management Co Ltd (ABM) Consultancy conducts treatability studies, laboratory testing and pilot testing both in-house and at the customer's site; develop environmental and health management systems; and aids in the implementation of IPPC (Integrated Pollution Prevention Control) conditions.
To determine the optimal solution for wastewater treatment applications, Alpha Business Management Co Ltd (ABM) Consultancy starts with a thorough analysis of the specific situation. If data is missing or cannot be calculated, we measure key parameters, or guide analytical work, as necessary.
Our consultants contribute to monitoring programs by creating ad using that:?
Aid the design of cost-effective monitoring programs (where, when and how to measure); Process and interpret the results of programs; Make results available in a way that allows managers to easily assess alternative strategies and predict likely outcomes.
Alpha Business Management Co Ltd (ABM) Consultancy can provide a wide range of environmental monitoring services for clients whose activities impact upon natural systems or have the potential to pollute the environment. Often the objectives of these services are to verify whether environmental emissions are in compliance with Presidency of Metrology and Environment (PME) regulations and verify that health and safety standards are not exceeded. Our monitoring services include:
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