Inspection Your organisation may be visited by an inspector or team of inspectors. Inspectors may ask to speak to a range of people in your organisation, which may include representatives from:
Alpha Business Management Co Ltd (ABM) Consultancy works closely with clients to develop, test, and implement effective strategies for managing organisations through a crisis.
We have developed an Inspection Pack to help inspectors assess whether organisations are taking appropriate action to manage work related stress effectively. It also explains HSE’s policy on investigating complaints about work related stress.
Management commitment to – and employee involvement in – the stress risk assessment process are essential. Inspectors will use these two key performance indicators to assess the suitability of your organisation’s risk assessment.
At the end of the initial visit, a follow-up visit may be scheduled. Inspectors will agree with you the progress they expect you to have made by the next inspection.
Copyright Alpha Business Management Co Ltd (ABM).