As an internationally active enterprise with subsidaries in different countries you face the challenge to deal with a number of different legislations. Your have a supply chain integrating also your suppliers. You want to minimize the risk of failure of your internal and external supply chain and reduce the risk of reputational issues. It is important for you to apply uniforn global EHS standards and policies for your own sites and your suppliers. In order to verify the compliance to national regulations and company policies EHS auditing is the common practice in the industry.
Alpha Business Management Co Ltd (ABM) Consultancy Expert Services offers, individually or as bundle:
EHS auditing is the accepted tool in the industry to fulfill these demands. We help you to develop and maintain an EHS audit system tailor made to your company’s requirements. We support your auditors during and after the assessment as co- or lead-auditors or we perform audits on your behalf as independent auditors.
The Audit process helps organizations to enforce EHS procedures, like documentation and management of environmental, health and safety requirements through corrective actions and closed loop follow-up processes. Auditing provides the necessary controls to support a company’s ongoing monitoring process and reduce risk of safety and environmental hazard. With an EHS Audit system and a diligent implementation of corrective actions you can reduce the exposure of your company to investigations and liabilities.
Audit System
Audit planning
Audit preparation
Audit execution
Post Audit Activities
Copyright Alpha Business Management Co Ltd (ABM).